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Garage Door Alternatives 2

Last we looked at some of the easy and lazy ways to put off getting your garage door or garage door opener fixed. It can be an incredibly easy thing to do, sometimes just taking a few minutes on the phone, so you should never put off the repair because of laziness. The main reason why anybody might put off a repair appointment or scheduling one is because of cost. However, in this article we are going to take a look at some of the other ways you might try and replace your garage door and how they are going to end up being more expensive, more of a hassle or both. Last article we looked at some pretty obvious options, but in this article we are going to have a bit more fun. These are going to be slightly out of the box solutions to the garage door problem that people might think up as an idea to save them money in the short term. None of these ideas are recommended, but what is recommended is to simply call up your garage door professional as soon as you notice something going wrong in order to get things back in perfect working order. If you have any out of the box garage door solutions that you have thought up or heard of, please feel free to mention them in the comments.
One option you may think of, if you are the type to try an innovative solution, is a guard dog. Seemingly a guard dog ticks a lot of the boxes that a garage door does. At the same time, an open garage gives a dog the perfect place to live and sleep so that it can be on the job whenever you need. With very little thought involved it seems like a pretty good idea. Then however you begin to think about the logistics involved. You need to buy and take care of a dog, which means food, and if you live in a particularly cold or hot area then you need to give the dog shelter, which brings you back to square one. The dog also really only solves the security issue of your garage door being open. The issue that your car and anything else you store in your garage is exposed to the elements is still unsolved and, depending on the dog, possibly even more at risk for damages. Of course getting a dog for this reason just doesn’t make sense, and you should have much better reasons for getting a dog than you are feeling lazy and cheap. Those two don’t look good for the dog then.
Another option to take care of your broken garage door problem is to hire somebody. Hiring a security guard to man the entrance to your garage is pretty similar to the guard dog scenario except most likely more costly but morally okay as well. You’ll be providing someone with a job, but the job will be pretty boring and will not be worth what it is necessary to pay someone to keep your car or other things safe. After just one week of paying somebody minimum wage to keep your garage safe you will have easily over shot the budget it would take to have your garage door repaired. In this case there is pretty much no reason to go this route. A guard will be unable to protect your things and car from the weather, just like the dog and you will most likely regret the decision to use a person rather than fixing what you already have pretty quickly.
The last option that we’ll go through in this article is a bit of a joke, even compared to the ones mentioned above. A kindly worded sign might be something that you think of for a half second so here it goes. Putting a kindly worded sign or even one that says there are dogs in your garage waiting for somebody to enter, whatever your personality or mind tells you is the right choice probably won’t work. If anything putting a sign or not on your not working or open garage door is just going to draw more attention to the fact that you have left your garage door opened and there is a good chance that you wouldn’t even notice if someone were to enter and leave with something. This not or sign also assumedly would do very little to protect your car or anything else from the weather or prying eyes. Essentially the only thing this option does is give you the feeling that you did something rather than nothing. It also lets you easily still drive in and out of your garage because there is no garage door or obstacle at all to your entry or exit.
All of these, especially that last one, may seem a little far fetched. When it comes to your garage door there is really only one thing to recommend, get it fixed. A new garage door and garage door opener may cost a lot, but just repairing one you already own will probably cost a lot less. If you manage to get it repaired quickly you may not even have to deal with not having a garage door for long enough to even think of an alternative. The amount of effort and money that you would spend on any of the alternatives to having a working garage door that we have talked about would probably pretty quickly have you regretting your decision. To make the whole thing easier you can just call your local garage door professional and tell them what is wrong or have them come out and take a look. Hopefully the work will be simple and cheap and you won’t need to think about hiring a security guard or check the pound for a guard dog that you like. As was said at the beginning of the article, if you have any good or funny ideas of your own for what you might do if you had to put off fixing your garage door for a while, please tell us in the comments.